How to Solve Facebook link preview image issue – Best way to Auto-post WordPress


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Facebook link preview image issue

This article is all about to show How I fixed the facebook link preview image issue.

Friends, I have my blog and I use it to share or auto-post on social media.All the Marketers, Digital or, network or Affiliate marketers know the importance of social media automation and its potential to reach a large base of target audience or consumers.

Until l auto-post three posts on social media everything is smooth, But lately, Facebook started to show the wrong preview whenever I shared a blog post link (via social media share plugin)  on Face book.

In below image, As you can see in How to Solve Facebook link preview that the post is about Gardening Ideas but the preview image is laptop table which is wrong, incorrect that is from another post.

facebook link preview

There is useful information available on Google and YouTube to solve this Facebook link preview image issue, but everyone has his specific set of problems , accordingly needs to make changes to overcome and solve this issue.

Please go through this checklist if you have following any of the plugins installed on your Word Press blog.

  • Social media autopost plug-in you using to share a post on Facebook,twitter or instagram such as a social auto poster or Blog2Social or Jetpack etc
  • Cache plug-in -WP rocket or little cache etc
  • SEO plug-in -Rank math or Yoast

Possible reason behind the incorrect Facebook link preview

Social media autopost plug-in use to add opengraph tags in your pages to pickup the thumbnail. Though These plug-in work very well, occasionally they pick the wrong images as preview images

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Where to find if this is the problem in your case?

  1. In my case problem is due to social auto post plugins which are picking up the wrong image.  In your case,you may be facing different problem.
  2. So to check the problem simply open the post page and right click and view page resource in case of chrome or Mozilla.
  3. Another example ,Look closely at the POST TITLE and it’s clearly showing that the post is about patio furniture covers and thumbnail or preview images picked up is of Affirmation cards Image., funny !!
Solve Facebook link preview image issue
Facebook link preview

From following image,its clear that the plugin fetching incorrect information and wrong preview images

How to Solve Facebook link preview image issue

Now we know the reason, let’s see how we can solve face book link preview image issue.

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Before- Link Preview in Facebook debugger tools

After5 minutes- Link Preview in Facebook debugger tools,after following above steps-.

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